Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Remembering Days Gone Bye



Oh you have no idea how much this makes me soo soo happy. I thought you had left the blog land forever. Thank you for not leaving us!! I miss those days so much! :) What a bunch! LOL!

jsquared said...

What a shocker! My GAWD this seems like an ETERNITY ago...


TotalChaos said...


I'm back to a degree, but not like was. I'll be fiddling about, now and then.

TotalChaos said...


So good to see you!! I didn't know you were still out and about. ~ 4-5 years I believe? Thank you for stopping in. :}

Anonymous said...

It was after seeing this posted that I got the idea of the scandalous newspaper articles

TotalChaos said...

Yep, I know. I've looked back at a bunch of your old stuff, and thought about doing some newspaper stuff again. Haven't done much with PS or PSP in a while.